Monday, October 27, 2008

My Internal Struggle

I am constantly feeling this internal struggle to be a "good mormon person". You know like the Golden Rule, The Law of Consecration, and so on...

I feel like I have given up alot for our family and without any real appreciation for it, not talking about my kids here. Maybe that is where the problem is, I like to feel appreciated for what I preceive as sacrifices. My time, my talents, my energy, it all means something to me. Most of the time I just feel, manipulated, lied to, and used. I just want to scream, leave me alone!

Then I start to feel bad for feeling that way, how would anyone know how I feel if I don't tell them, but if I do, then I am being a witch, right.

Why do I struggle to be a good person?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't see you being anything but a wonderful person! I am sure we all have thoughts like that sometime, but you are so special to us all.