Friday, January 23, 2009


My lovely daughter Andrea moved back home a few months ago. I am so happy to have close to home again. Our family is so spread out and I miss them all so much. I wonder if we will all be together again...

Andrea is the one that always made us laugh and still does. She has some pretty fun impressions but is too shy to do them anymore. My favorites were her "Brooklynn" character and a fabulaous impression of the "Crocodile Hunter". She will always be my little "giggle monster"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One Word...

Saw this on Ammy's blog and thought I would try it for fun.


1. Where is your cell phone? tiffany
2. Your significant other? Lee
3. Your hair? Black
4. Your mother? unavailabe
5. Your father? hmmm
6. Your favorite thing? Hats
7. Your dream last night? falling
8. Your favorite drink? water
9. The room you're in? room
10. Your fear? dizziness
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Paris
12. Where were you last night? home
13. What you're not? rich
14. Favorite muffin? chocolate
15. One of your wish list items? mustang
16. Where did you grow up? Oregon
17. The last thing you did? eat
18. What are you wearing? jeans
19. Your TV? big
20. Your pet? oaklie
21. Your computer? laptop
22. Your life? happy
23. Your mood? funny
24. Missing someone? always
25. Your car? Purple
26. Something you're not wearing? jewerly
27. Favorite Store? Kohls
28. Your summer? fast
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Who will/would re-post this? hmmm
32. FOUR PLACES I GO OVER AND OVER: a. church b. store c. bathroom d. bed
33. FOUR PEOPLE WHO E-MAIL ME: 1. Rose 2. Lee 3. Juanita 4. Wendy
34. FOUR OF MY FAVORITE FOODS: a. Steak b. Popcorn c. Salmon d. dessert

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How Not to Start the New Year...

After our wonderful day at Sky's baptism Eric and Lee wanted to stop by Smith and Edwards. I had never heard of it, but sure lets go while we are in the area, it's in Ogden.
We pull in the parking lot and I open the door and the next thing I know I am on the ground, and in a skirt no less...oh boy what a sight that must have been. I heard myself scream and Lee is telling me to stay put so I don't fall again. So there I am freezing on the cold ice watching people walk by as my husband hurries to help me. I hurt so bad, I completely fell on my right side. Somehow I hit my knee on the tuck and the rest of me twisted right when I fell. It's all a real blur to me...
Well, Lee helps me up and I just want to forget it happened all together. We meet up with Eric, Juanita and Andrea, I am obviously limping. Juanita asks what happened, so we tell them. But I brush it off so as not to spoil anyones fun. Limping along this huge store, don't ask me how big, but it was. So there I am limping along trying not think about the pain in arm, in my leg, my back and so forth....
But it's not working so I leave Lee to find someone to let them know what happened and to fill out an accident report. They were so nice, they took my information and apoligized for what happened to me and hoped that I got better soon.

I told Lee I tought we better go to see the doctor, so off we went. We left the kids there and told them we would call them later. So about another two hour drive home to Orem. Lee hadn't been feeling well and we were both pretty tired so we decided to drive home instead of going to a hospital in Ogden. The problem was that Lee had been doing all the driving all day and I know he was tired. I had planned on taking over after our stop but now I couldn't because of the pain I was in. So my job on the drive home was to keep Lee awake, so I did. Whether it was from my yelps of pain or me poking him evey now and again...
Finally in Orem and to the Hospital, we walked in and the place was crowded. Not a good night for and ER visit. Anyway, three hours later, some poking by the doctor, x-rays, that showed I broke the tip of my collar bone, and a new fashion accessory(sling and brace)we were on our way home.
What a day...

So don't start the new year off falling on the ice and breaking yourself....having a three hour stay at the ER with a ton of sick people....and the following week ending up with the worst stomach flu of your life...Not fun while your already in pain and having a hard time moving around anyway...uuggghhhhh....

Friday, January 9, 2009

What a blessing...

To have shared in such a special day. I am truly touched and moved that Wendy and Malen have such big hearts, and were willing to share this wonderful day with us. It just goes to show me that in this world MIRACLES still happen.
I am blessed...

Thank you Malen, Wendy, Sky and Solee
We love you all so much

More of Sky's Day

What a Special Day