I read this quote today and thought about my role as a woman. What does it mean to be a woman, a woman today that is?
Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, woman for their strengths.
-Lois Wyse
I have always been told I am a strong woman, a strong person to have survived what I have been through in my life. I guess that is true, but who made me this way? Am I product of my upbringing, have I evoled into a better person because of my past and to spite it? These are just some of the questions running around in my head.
What does it mean for a woman to have strength? Does it mean she can bench press twice her weight? Or out run a marathon runner, or maybe fight off an attack? Or is she the woman who beats herself up everyday for not being what people expect her to be? And what does that even mean?
Women, we are daughters, mothers, wife, friend, nurse, taxi driver, cook, homework helper, and all around handy man/woman....and more...and then we are more when called upon.
Just my thoughts for the day.
I love all the woman in my life... who have been my friend, who have supported me, who have not judged me, and loved me...Thank You!
P.S. women of beauty, women of strength, women of capacity, women of virtue, women of faith.
President Gordon Hinckley
I loved how President Hinckley referred to women, so beautiful, and full of genuine love.
Did I mention, I love being a woman!