Mastoiditis of the ear Mastoiditis is an inflammation or infection of the mastoid bone which consists of air cells that drain the middle ear, a portion of the temporal bone of skull, located just behind the ear, usually seen as a complication of acute otitis media (middle ear infection). Mastoiditis is a bacterial infection of the mastoid air cells (small, air-filled cavities located in the mastoid process, which is the bulge in the skull behind the ear) if untreated can destroy the skull bone leading to hearing loss and other complications including death, seen commonly in children.
Last week Lee took me to the E.R. because I woke up with extreme vertigo, we were both scared. I didn't know what was happening to my body and my poor honey thought I was having a stroke. One of the most scariest things to happen thus far. I don't know if anyone has ever felt that out of control of your body, but it is scary and frustrating. Then we were off the get the Brain MRI, to make sure I wasn't a loon...It basically means the bone surrounding the inner ear is infected. And this has been causing my extreme vertigo and dizziness. Now I am on some strong antibiotics and hope to be feeling much better soon, oh please let that be true! That hip shot I got at my doctor's was not fun and still hurting....gosh I am being such a baby. My blood work will come back by the end of the week, so will see if my hormones are in check. So glad it wasn't anything too serious, waiting the whole weekend was torture, but we had some wonderful distractions with Sloane's Sealing and Blessing.
That blog will come next....
Thanks to everyone for their well wishes and prayers