Monday, April 27, 2009

Surprise visit

Chris likes to surprise our family and today was no exception. I get a text today on my way to my physical therapy appointment, saying, "How would u like to have lunch with your favorite baby boy?" I am like, huh?...So I pull my car over and reread it, I call Christopher and ask him, "Where are you?" "He says Highland". What?! I say. I turn around and call my doctors office to cancel my appointment, and ask Chris when will they be in Orem. About an hour later, we were having Panda express and picking up Tiffany and making plans to head up to SLC so he can see his two other sisters. Which was really great because Andrea hadn't seen him in almost 6 years. And they had a lot of fun talking and catching up. But time was not on our side, because they only had the day, and a lot of other family to see.
I am just happy we had some time and our kids got to pick on their "ole mom" for old time sake....


Anonymous said...

how fun!! gotta love that kind of surprise!!

Barb Elder said...

So fun so fun so fun!! I am so happy for you. Family is the best!!

Comarsh Crew said...

what a great surprise!!